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27 bites in Schottland

I'm just here for the Porridge...

Scottish flair has always held a special fascination for me.

I associate the northern part of the island of Great Britain with picturesque scenery, friendly people and a past steeped in history.

What also comes to mind? A rainy backdrop, a dialect I can't even begin to guess and mediocre cuisine.

Ouch. Someone must have more than just positive stereotypes in mind....

However, someone - like me - wanted to give the island a fair chance. After all, Scotland is the birthplace of my favourite breakfast: porridge. A delicious porridge that makes every day sweeter for me.

You can hear more about our journey through Scotland here in the podcast:


Classics of the local cuisine: Geographically, Scotland belongs to the island of Great Britain. But it would be wrong to compare British and Scottish cuisine. Scotland's cuisine enjoys a good reputation. I noticed many French influences and was delighted by the high quality mix of fresh and regional produce.

Here is a small selection of delicacies:

Snacks: Sandwich, Fish and Chips, ...

Main dish: Haggis (Meat dish from the stomach of a sheep), Soups like Cullen Skink (from Haddock), Bridie (Small pâté with minced meat filling), Scotch Scollops (generally for a piece of meat; from French Escalope) with potatoes, ... Dessert: Cranachan (Layered dessert with berries, oatmeal and whiskey), Shortbread (Thick butter biscuit), Scones with clotted cream and jam, Cheese variations, Tablet (kind of caramel made of sugar, milk & butter)

Drinks: Whiskey, Black tea with milk, beer / lager, cider, ...

Before my culinary journey, I was a bit sceptical. Then I thought of my beloved porridge and was in a positive mood. I was looking forward to Scotland's porridge variation and was curious to see what else awaited me.

Modern Cuisine in Schotland

Indeed! I found myself enjoying the local cuisine.

I'm talking mainly about modern Scottish cuisine, which is characterised by international influences. Thanks to political relations with France and strong links with the Asian region, local products such as potatoes, beetroot, fish or meat are given more refinement.

An international homage. A masterpiece that can only be achieved through cooperation between different cultures.

Of course, there are fish and chips here too, as well as "classics" of British cuisine. But all in all, I notice a greater awareness of agricultural products and an excellent culinary standard.

Michaelas-Must-Try: My cuisine doesn't have a Scottish touch, but I feel a strong connection to porridge. Here is my variation as a baked oat casserole.

Scottish cuisine doesn't have much in common with English cuisine at first.
  • Michaelas Video-Message: In my TikTok video you can see a little summary of the local cuisine.

  • F&B offer: There are very good restaurants in the Scottish capital Edinburgh. The number of poops in particular is exceptionally high.

  • Meal times: Breakfast (7:00 - 9:00): Typical Scottish food is usually only served at weekends, with orange juice, tea, coffee, toast, ham and eggs, sausages, baked beans and porridge. (Very similar to the "British Breakfast".) Lunch (12:00 - 14:00): Quick snacks like sandwiches or fish & chips are popular. Teatime (16:30 - 18:30): Tea culture has also taken root in Scotland. Legendarily, sweet biscuits / sandwiches are served with black tea and milk. Dinner (18:30 - 20:00): A sumptuous meal with meat, fish or game.

  • Price-performance ratio: Scotland is generally considered an expensive country to visit. Costs for food and fuel are comparable to German standards. Accommodation and restaurant prices are more expensive. Cappuccino in Amsterdam ca. 4 Eur. Cappuccino in Schottland ca. 5 Eur.

Striking on site:

  1. On the way through the Highlands, you see a striking number of cattle and sheep. These enjoy an excellent reputation: surely you've heard about the Angus beef? ;)

  2. The sumptuous breakfast consists of 3 courses: First, fruit juice is served with porridge or cereals. This is followed by an egg dish with sausages, haggis, tomatoes, mushrooms and potatoes. Finally there is toast with salted butter, jam, tea or coffee....


Scottish Salmon

Here the scones are still homemade and the cuisine is convincing with down-to-earth but extremely tasty dishes. Especially on a sunny day, the small terrace in front of the coffee offers great seating for a short stop in idyllic Pitlochry. I chose an egg dish with Scottish salmon. Mhmm. :)

There are currently 10 restaurants in Scotland with a Michelin star rating list. In the capital, Edingburgh, we test one of them, which does justice to a culinary journey through Scotland. Extravagant components from the Japanese region such as togarashi or chawanmushi are combined with more familiar ingredients such as halibut, sea trout, Yorkshire rhubarb, asparagus, etc.. Whatever is in season is used. Culinary delights at the highest level.

High Tea im Schloss

If you want to experience Scotland with all your senses, a visit to an enchanted castle is highly recommended. We found our favourite elegant and mystical place at Inverlochy, near Fort William. From here, the south shore of Loch Ness as well as the Glenfinnan Viaduct (famous railway viaduct from Harry Potter) are within easy reach. The castle itself offers royal comfort in a remote location. I was particularly taken with the fabulous breakfast, posh high tea and delicious cocktails.

  • My conclusion: I came for the porridge. I liked the modern twist of local produce and as I reminisce I will think of the picturesque Highlands and the charming dialect.

Note: I paid for my stay on site including accommodation, entrance fees and food myself. This is what my recommendations and tips refer to. This article is not subject to any cooperation.


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The balanced recipes of a young woman who sees nutrition as an essential building block for physical and mental well-being.

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