A healthy company begins with healthy people,
and health starts with the first bite.
My approach explained in the video
Program Options
My nutrition programs can be individually booked and are based on the GAP method. The GAP method is a three-dimensional model designed to guide individuals toward holistic well-being in the workplace and daily life. Combining scientific research with practical applications, the GAP method offers a comprehensive approach to enhancing performance, health, and personal growth.
Gratifing Basic Needs
This level lays the foundation for understanding and fulfilling our essential physical needs. The focus is on the ability to make healthier dietary choices that directly impact our well-being.
Achieving in the Work Environment
Here, the focus is on increasing efficiency through healthier eating habits and their practical implementation in the workplace.
Personal Development
This dimension focuses on cultivating mindful eating practices necessary for continuous personal and professional growth. It includes strategies for sustainable health management applicable in both work and personal contexts.
Higher Return on Investment
Every cent you invest in employee development yields an even higher return. Prevention is key.
Increased Productivity
Higher performance and efficiency result from employees who know how to handle pressure and tension.
Reduced Absenteeism
Sick employees cost a lot of money in the short and long term.
Improved Office Atmosphere
Happier people mean fewer conflicts at work and at home.
Strengthened Employee Retention
By taking responsibility for your people's well-being, you show that you care and value them.
Your Benefits as a Company ...
... and for Your Employees
Kein Produkt von der Stange. Die Programme adressieren die speziellen Bedürfnisse im Bereich Ernährung bei High Performer, Schichtarbeiter sowie Angestellten.
The programs are accessible online and conveniently from home, offering time flexibility—whether during lunch breaks or working hours.
This is not about traditional, boring lectures preaching the benefits of carrots over chocolate bars. Instead, I offer engaging, interactive programs that spice up the topic of nutrition and ensure the content sticks.
Participants actively engage in their well-being, with individual counseling available if needed. No prior knowledge is required.
What My Partners Say
Birgit B.
Discovering how easy and quick healthy food can be prepared was the best part of the workshop for me. And my colleagues and I have already said, as soon as Corona allows, we will prepare a healthy lunch together on 2-3 days a week.
Michaela Mayr led the workshop with humor and competence – both live and online – thank you for that!
Markus P.
Michaela is a great support in implementing our sustainability strategy. With the help of her highly informative content, we can inspire our employees for healthier nutrition!
Roland W.
A colorful workshop, marked by dedication and enthusiasm: Michaela presents her concept for conscious, healthy, and above all, practical nutrition in a relaxed and likable manner.
With individual reference to the participants, she shows how, with creative but simple recipes, some physical and mental complaints can be managed.
During the joint cooking session, even die-hard sausage sandwich & Co fans were convinced: It's easy and it tastes good!
We say thank you for the many valuable inputs!
Rating: Highly recommended.
Bettina P.
First, Michaela is super likable.
She showed us how fast and easy healthy nutrition can be.
And that a whole grain bread can sometimes replace a cake.
"When your employees are healthy, so is your business."
Michaela Mayr
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) We are a large company with over 50 employees. Does this work for larger groups? Yes! Most of my offerings are available online and can easily be conducted for many participants. Only the cooking courses are designed for smaller groups of up to 15 people, so I can give individual attention to everyone.
Cooking facilities are limited or unavailable in our premises. Are the programs still suitable? Yes, cooking is possible anywhere and anytime. In my one-hour Quickie Cooking Course, you will learn how to prepare delicious and balanced recipes in the shortest time—without any kitchen equipment. A cutting board, knife, and bowl are often all you need. For company cafeteria catering, the cooking course works just as well: many companies specifically request snack variations, quick breakfast options, or mid-morning snacks that can also be prepared without extensive kitchen equipment.
What if the team doesn't like the recipes? No problem! The focus of my modular system is on "how quick meals work." You can implement this framework with your own favorite recipes and don't necessarily have to use mine.
We already have employee health programs. How can the GAP method still be helpful? The GAP method offers individual counseling and group sessions that are interactive and different from the usual. It addresses levels beyond the work environment dimension, making it a valuable addition to existing health programs.