Sweet Potato Stew with Kidney Beans and Chickpeas
Recently, I had one of those moments that made me dance around my apartment with joy: ZDF asked me for another contribution to their cooking show.
This time, it was for the series "drehscheibe," which dedicated a week-long special to the theme of "Vegetarian Power Food."
Imagine how thrilled I was – this is exactly my area of expertise!
This opportunity means so much to me. I can show you and many others that it's truly possible to cook healthy, simple, affordable, and extremely tasty dishes.
For my contribution, I decided on something special: A wonderful sweet potato stew, enriched with kidney beans and chickpeas, turning it into a true flavor explosion. The secret? A pinch of fresh turmeric, a hint of cumin, and a selection of the finest herbs give this nutrient-rich dish the final touch.
Have you already discovered the segment in the ZDF Mediathek?
2 sweet potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
1 large onion
20 g turmeric root
1 tbsp cumin
400 ml chopped tomatoes
250 ml vegetable broth
200 g chickpeas from a jar
1 can of kidney beans (255 g)
2 tbsp coconut oil
Salt, pepper, masala, cinnamon
A handful of parsley
Serving: About 4 servings
Effort: Low - Medium A simple one-pot dish. Sweet potatoes cook quickly and mix well with the legumes.
Nutritional value: High Vegetarian power food can be so simple and delicious.
Michaela's Opinion: I love uncomplicated stews. Cooking with natural ingredients creates a special aroma full of healthy nutrients.
1)Chop the onion and sauté until translucent in coconut oil. Peel and finely chop the turmeric. Fry briefly together with the cumin.
2) Add the pressed garlic and peeled, chopped sweet potato pieces to the pan.
3) Deglaze with vegetable broth and chopped tomatoes. Season with salt, pepper, and masala.
4) Let it simmer for about 15 - 20 minutes until the sweet potatoes are soft but still have a slight bite.
5) Drain and rinse the chickpeas and kidney beans thoroughly and stir them into the pan. Heat briefly.
6) Finally, adjust the seasoning and enjoy with the parsley.
Michaela's Tip: For a deeper flavor, sauté onions until golden and roast spices like cumin and masala to release their aromatic oils before adding them to your sweet potato stew.