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Certified nutrition coach & food nomad

Certified nutrition coach 

When your employees are healthy, so is your business.


- Nutrition is not just about eating; it's a crucial factor for productivity and well-being in the workplace. Therefore, I offer a comprehensive package for sustainable health and strengthened team spirit within the company. From nutritional analysis to targeted workshops and practical cooking experiences. Discover how simple 5-minute recipes can boost well-being and thereby alleviate workplace complaints. From quick breakfasts to balanced afternoon snacks – optimized for your company kitchen. Invest in health and team building at the same time!

"Our employees usually order a pizza or eat sandwich for lunch."


Defining a common objective for the workshop.


(Discussion with the responsible manager)

  • By proper nutrition, specifically combat workplace complaints like fatigue or tension, and increase well-being.

  • Step-by-step roadmap for healthier nutrition at the workplace thanks to time-saving kitchen practices.

  • Healthy emergency food in everyday life.

Success Check

Follow-up on whether the nutritional practices in the company have improved according to the objective.


(Discussion with the responsible manager)


Analysis of current nutritional practices in the company.


(Interview with 2-3 selected employees)

"Increasing our employees' productivity after lunch break."


Workshop (On- or Offline) for individual & healthy nutrition at the workplace.


(Workshop for 5 - 100 participants)

"There is more home-cooked food brought to the office and frequent complaints have subsided."


  • Option A: In small groups, 5-minute recipes are created for everything from breakfast to afternoon snacks, optimized for the company's kitchen equipment on site.

  • Option B: A sociable workshop evening with cooking balanced meals together and cozy exchange. 

From quick meal prep to team-building cooking events – it's time to get to the pots.


(Workshop up to 15 participants)


Nutrition Challenge

- My claim is "Nutritional Coaching with a Difference". Different, because I focus on the most common ailments in the professional routine, scrutinize their origins from a nutritional perspective, and then offer solutions for these complaints with hero foods.


If you like my blog, if you are interested in a nutrition workshop and / or a cooperation, it would be great if you send me a personal message.

We can also stay in touch via Instagram , LinkedIn , TikTok , Pinterest or Facebook.

Thanks very much! I will get in touch with you.

- Different... because as a former development manager, I know what's really needed in the daily office routine. Different... because I don't create problems for my solutions, but offer solutions to existing problems. Different... because healthy eating fits into even the busiest schedule and is possible for the most untalented cook.

What My Partners Say

Birgit B.

Discovering how easy and quick healthy food can be prepared was the best part of the workshop for me. And my colleagues and I have already said, as soon as Corona allows, we will prepare a healthy lunch together on 2-3 days a week.


Michaela Mayr led the workshop with humor and competence – both live and online – thank you for that!

Markus P.

Michaela is a great support in implementing our sustainability strategy. With the help of her highly informative content, we can inspire our employees for healthier nutrition!

Roland W.

A colorful workshop, marked by dedication and enthusiasm: Michaela presents her concept for conscious, healthy, and above all, practical nutrition in a relaxed and likable manner.


With individual reference to the participants, she shows how, with creative but simple recipes, some physical and mental complaints can be managed.


During the joint cooking session, even die-hard sausage sandwich & Co fans were convinced: It's easy and it tastes good!


We say thank you for the many valuable inputs!


Rating: Highly recommended.

Bettina P.

First, Michaela is super likable.

She showed us how fast and easy healthy nutrition can be.


And that a whole grain bread can sometimes replace a cake.

"When your employees are healthy, so is your business."


Michaela Mayr


The balanced recipes of a young woman who sees nutrition as an essential building block for physical and mental well-being.



The content on my channels is aimed at physically and mentally healthy individuals and does not replace medical advice.

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